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Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Medical Student Visitation (PMSR RRA)

Policy and Procedure

The purpose of an Observership at The Brooklyn Hospital Center is to provide the student with a well-rounded educational experience in the hospital environment and a familiarity with the residency training program of the hospital. It is the program’s policy to offer an Observership experience to medical/surgical students in their third and fourth years in podiatric medical school.

Podiatry Observership and Externship is also encouraged and permissible for students who may be interested in obtaining a residency position within the three-year training program at The Brooklyn Hospital Center.

General Information

  • Podiatry Observership may range from one to 10 days. Requests must be submitted one week prior to start date. Student will be informed if date(s) are approved via email
  • Students will not be remunerated for Observership duration. You will be responsible for all expenses
  • Student activities are limited to observing processes and procedures. You are not permitted to engage in any research, clinical activity including but not limited to data entry, laboratory work, article review, etc.
    • Students may not consent or give clinical advice to any patient or patients family
    • Students may not write notes or enter orders in any medical record (electronic or paper)
  • Upon acceptance, all students must be well dressed and well groomed at all times. Dress shirt, tie, dress slacks/skirts/dress and dress shoes are required. White coat must be worn at all times
  • As an observer/guest to the hospital you are to be respectful of all employees at all times. This pertains to relationships with fellows, externs, residents, interns, attending physicians, nursing staff and all hospital employees

Application Process

  • All request forms must be sent via email to the Administrative Office for Podiatric Residency. Request must be emailed to Maritza Garcia, Podiatry Residency Coordinator at
  • Students must complete the Visiting Student Information form and provide all information on form before an approval for an Observership can be considered
  • Download our Visiting Student Information Form
  • Once the Visiting Student Information form is received and reviewed, the medical student will be notified regarding approval or denial of his/her Observership request
  • Please note: All date requests/information forms must be received no less than one week in advance of the requested Observership dates. If not received, we cannot guarantee approval of dates
  • Student assignments/schedule for Observership for day(s) requested will be determined by Chief Resident

Questions may be addressed to Maritza Garcia, Podiatry Residency Coordinator at