Taylor Brower, MS, CCLS
Child Life Manager, Pediatrics
Specialties: Pediatrics
About Taylor Brower, MS, CCLS
Taylor Brower, MS, is a Certified Child Life Specialist and the Child Life Manager for TBHC. Ms. Brower has a Master of Science in child life studies and is an active member of both ACLP and CLGNY. As Child Life Manager, Ms. Brower works with both national and local charities and individuals to receive donations for the Pediatric Department. She also provides child life services in the Pediatric Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Her interests include pediatrics, medial play, therapeutic play, and tailored developmentally appropriate interventions for patients and families, among others. Ms. Brower is trained in American Sign Language and Conceptually Accurate Signed English as well as child life in pediatric emergency medicine and kids’ yoga and meditation to facilitate coping and pain management. In addition, Ms. Brower oversees the Child Life Practicum program.
Access for the Disabled: Yes
Public Transportation Available: Yes
Languages Spoken in the Office: English, ASL